Saturday Night

Saturday Night

Happy Day Sixty-one Comrades                  8:15PM    Saturday I don’t know if I should start building an Arc or start gathering animals. The dock at Clinton River Park North and the dock at Rotary Park are installed. Clinton River North Park’s parking...
May 7th. 2020

May 7th. 2020

Good Morning Comrades                6:39AM Thursday Congratulations on completing 52 days of social distancing. I have had 7 successful days with not drinking alcohol or looking at facebook. I have not had great success with my attempted avoidance of the news, I have...
Clem Pictures

Clem Pictures

Hello Clem Travelers                                                       Attached are pictures of the former boat house and alleged art work in the Clem. Dale      9:11 Tuesday IMGP2842 IMGP2841 IMGP2844 IMGP2843 IMGP2839 IMGP2838...
Happy Year!

Happy Year!

The Clinton River has no portage causing issues on the Eagles Landing to Yates Park section.  A fallen tree was adjusted so none of the perhaps 17 paddlers had get out of their boats today.  We had a nice barbecue. Dale              7:27PM Wednesday IMGP2817 IMGP2811...
Week-End 12 18 2019

Week-End 12 18 2019

Hello                                                                  Saturday I paddled the Clinton River with a friend up from North Carolina.   He capsized his boat early in our float down.  Since he was already wet I asked him to cut the river wide log blocking...
Week-End Pictures 12 08 2019

Week-End Pictures 12 08 2019

Attached are pictures taken Saturday of the retrieval of my chain and bar that were left behind two weeks ago.  The bar was pinched before the plunge cut was completed.  The load on the branch was reduced and the bar and chain recovered leaving the river still...